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Penulis : Ananta Lidya Ningrum1, Wiwik Sulistiani2, Puri Aquarisnawati3
Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui adanya: (1). Hubungan kecerdasan emosional dengan career adaptability ; (2). Hubungan parent career congruence dengan career adaptability; (3). Hubungan kecerdasan emosional dan parent career congruence dengan career adaptability. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif metode survei. Subyek sebanyak 155 mahasiswa (62 Laki-laki, 93 Perempuan). Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan kuota sampling dengan skala career adaptability 24 aitem (a = 0,950), kecerdasan emosional 21 aitem (a = 0,884), parent career congruence 12 aitem (a = 0,839). Teknik analisis data menggunakan product moment dan korelasi ganda. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa (1). Terdapat hubungan kecerdasan emosional dengan career adaptability, (r = 61,4; p<0,05), (2). Terdapat hubungan parent career congruence dengan career adaptability, (r = 44,1; p<0,05), (3). Terdapat hubungan kecerdasan emosional dan parent career congruence dengan career adaptability, (r = 62,5; p<0,05), sumbangan efektif 39,1%. Hasil penelitian dapat dijadikan referensi dalam mengatasi permasalahan career adaptability pada mahasiswa.
Kata Kunci: kecerdasan emosional, parent career congruence, career adaptability, mahasiswa.
The purpose of this research is to know the existence of: (1). Relationship of emotional intelligence with career adaptability; (2). Relationship between parent career congruence and career adaptability; (3). Relationship between emotional intelligence and parent career congruence with career adaptability. This research uses a quantitative survey method approach. The subjects were 155 students (62 male, 93 female). The sampling technique used quota sampling with a career adaptability scale of 24 items (a = 0.950), emotional intelligence 21 items (a = 0.884), parent career congruence 12 items (a = 0.839). The data analysis technique uses product moment and multiple correlation. The results show that (1). There is a relationship between emotional intelligence and career adaptability, (r = 61.4; p<0.05), (2). There is a relationship between parent career congruence and career adaptability, (r = 44.1; p<0.05), (3). There is a relationship between emotional intelligence and parent career congruence with career adaptability, (r = 62.5; p<0.05), the effective contribution is 39.1%. The results of the study can be used as a reference in overcoming the problem of career adaptability in students.
Kata Kunci: :emotional intelligence, parent career congruence, career adaptability, students.